In 2020, the National Collaborative Commissioning Unit (NCCU) appointed the Picker Institute to develop and implement a survey to investigate public perceptions of urgent and emergency care (UEC) services in Wales.
This includes understanding: Unprompted awareness of urgent and emergency care services Experience of services in the last 12 months Service usage pre- and post- COVID-19 Care priorities when accessing urgent and emergency services This report details the findings from the survey, which ran in November 2020. 1,016 adults aged 18+, from across Wales, responded.
The National Collaborative Commissioning Unit (NCCU) are working with health boards to develop local communication plans to utilise the data within their choosing and accessing care messaging. This is ongoing work and local plans will also contribute towards national messaging which the NCCU will develop to support communications across Wales.
The below recording is a summary of key highlights within the report from the Picker Institute:
Should you have any further questions around this session or wish to provide any feedback please contact the Urgent and Emergency Care Programme Team.